If there ever was a film score for the greatest story ever told, the story of Divine Love, it would be the piercing melodies of Jimmy Mitchell’s Love (An Epic). After recording three highly acclaimed albums with Marian Grace and then his own solo album in 2014, Mitchell has finally released his long-awaited sophomore project. The double-disc includes twelve beautiful instrumental tracks (original piano compositions with string quartet accompaniment) and a set of talks giving insight into the stories behind the songs from his debut album Through It All. These instrumental stories artfully illustrate initial encounter between the human heart and Divine Love while conjuring up in the listener the only reasonable response to such a love, which is to make a sincere, unbridled, relentless gift of oneself. With inspirations drawn JPII’s Theology of the Body to Bernard of Clairvaux’s Sermons on the Song of Songs, this album walks quietly through the doors of the heart and fills it’s space with glory, hope, and a holy hunger for a forever-love.


Enjoy contemporary piano story that has a spiritual and classical heart.



Inspiration energizes someone else's faith or enthusiasm


Loyalty to keep promises


Believing in a good future with God


Virtue Search Media
Venture with Virtue: Jimmy Mitchell Interview

Get a sense of the entrepreneurial vision of Jimmy Mitchell as a musician and a cultural innovator. Read More

Virtue Search Media
FOCUS Interview: Jimmy Mitchell

Get a glimpse of what motivates Jimmy Mitchell to create music, and to work on reshaping culture with the power of beauty. Read More

Virtue Search Media
Video: Jimmy Mitchell - Love an Epic described for patrons

Jimmy describes the plans and background, and the vision of his double CD collection of music: Love - An Epic. Read More

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